Posted in Generation 8

8.3 Sympathy Weight

Welcome back to the Olympia Legacy! Last time Caerus, and Phobos completed their lifetime wishes, and the first of Gen 9, Alectrona was born.

Phobos didn’t have any RI’s and his gender preference was undecided, I looked through everyone’s contacts to find someone for him. This is Crissy Langurd-Svard.

Phobos likes her already.
Phobos: “I think I know my gender preference now. It’s her.”

Things between them are progressing swimmingly.

She kept leaving, so Phobos had to track her down at her house, but he finally got a kiss in.

Crissy was absolutely thrilled with his proposal.

And then Phobos moved in with Crissy. I did pollinate her, but the pregnancy glitched and she never had a child. Now back to the rest of the family.

Pan is playing video games… Typical. Why do I expect anything else at this point? Pan has played enough video games to get high enough with the nerds to earn a new trait. He’s now a Slob.

Enyo has just finished Phobos’ portrait, and Iris is finally getting a start on Enyo’s.

Iris: “How can you not like the colour blue, you utter dweeb!!!”
Ummmm… Why are you all in the bathroom?

You’re getting a little chunky there Elliot.
Elliot: “It’s sympathy weight! Enyo was pregnant and gaining weight, and I started to gain some as well.”
But Enyo’s not pregnant anymore.
Elliot: “I’m telling you, it’s sympathy weight!”

Enyo: “Is it me, or have you put on some weight since Alectrona was born?”

Elliot: “What?! I have no idea what you’re talking about… Okay, maybe I’ve gained a little weight.”

Chunky then proceeded to deal with a house with a poltergeist problem.
Elliot: “I think this house is built on an old cemetery.”

Elliot then got an award at city hall for dealing with the cities ghost problem.

Oh, and it was also a full moon. It’s weird being down to only one werewolf.
Brizo: “Fooooood.”

With Enyo’s portrait done, that means I’m done with the Gen 8 portraits.

Elliot looks like he’s ready to pop.
Elliot: “I’m telling you, it’s sympathy weight!”

This dog randomly showed up in their house. His name is apparently Crosby.
Crosby: “This seems like a nice place.”

I sent Enyo to the library to work on her photography skill, and she mastered it. She’s now completed her lifetime wish!

Enyo is still in love with her husband. She doesn’t care about how chunky he gets, or his “sympathy weight”.

Elliot: “What’s happening to me?! This doesn’t seem natural!!”

Wow Elliot. You’re sympathy weight sure looks like an alien baby.
Elliot: “Shut up. How was I to know this was going to happen?”

It’s a girl! Meet Hebe, she’s Good and Friendly. She also enjoys the colour red. In Greek mythology Hebe is the goddess of eternal youth.

Crosby is still in the house, and is enjoying the massive TV with Enyo and Vernon.
Vernon, don’t you have work you could be doing?
Vernon: “Huh? I got distracted by the TV.”

Brizo has now also played enough video games to earn a new trait. She’s now Eccentric. I swear this family is a bunch of video game addicts, except for Enyo. She just likes to watch TV, but since she’s a Couch Potato that’s hardly surprising.

Why do you two always go to this bed?
Iris: “If you don’t like it, maybe you should get us a proper bed to do this.”
Fatima: “Zeph is dead. It’s not like anyone else is using it.”
That’s not the point!

Elliot had to deal with yet another haunting at my simself’s house. It’s strange how my simself never seems to be there whenever these hauntings occur…

Elliot: “My scanner indicates a convergence of Ley Lines, leading to a magnet for paranormal activity.”
So there’s nothing you can do about it?
Elliot: “Well, they could just move.”
I’ll take that as a no.

Iris: “Damnit! Now my butt’s wet.”

Iris is getting close to mastering nectar making, and since she’s been working on photography between batches of nectar, she’s getting close to maxing that skill too.

Vernon: “CAAAAAAAAKE!!!”
Not again Vernon… You’re the worst butler ever.

And Vernon survived to smell another day.

Iris: “Look. No skill bar.”
Yep, Iris has mastered nectar making.

I then sent her to the library where she mastered photography.

Iris is now onto fishing, which I think is her last skill to master.

Enyo doesn’t seem to mind that Elliot birthed an alien child which isn’t hers. In fact she rolled a wish to befriend an alien the moment Hebe was born.

Alectrona is becoming a toddler.

She’s a cutie. Alectrona has brown hair and purple eyes. I’m pretty sure she’s a face clone of Enyo, I’ll have to double check next time I play.

Pan was getting stir crazy again, so I sent him to explore the catacombs.
Pan: “Who had the bright idea to give a bear a taser?”

What are you doing?!!!!!
Maid: “It gives me a feeling of pleasure to watch copulation.”
Go away!!!!

Why are you two standing in the bathroom doing nothing?
Vernon: “We’re having a meeting of course.”
Meeting about what, sucking at your job?
Maid: “About the state of the household of course.”

It’s been two days, Crosby is still here. He’s given Pan fleas twice. How has he not starved?

This explains a lot. He mooches scraps while people eat.

Brizo: “Well, well, well. I think this will go nicely with all the others.”

Brizo: “Maybe I can start a used car store when I’m done. I certainly have enough inventory.”
I’m pretty sure someone would notice if you were selling stolen cars.
Brizo: “A pity.”

Ghost: “Nah, nah, you can’t get me!”
Elliot: “We’ll see about that.”

Ghost: “I can’t get away!”
Elliot: “That’s what you get for laughing.”

Ghost: “Cool. My buddy just got zapped.”
Shouldn’t you be more worried about your fate?
Ghost: “Nahhhhh. It’s all cool.”

Look who’s back from boarding school. I can now confirm that Antheia is a face clone of Iris. She gained the trait Charismatic.
Antheia: “Why’d you have to go and send us away in the first place?”
A break from an over-stuffed house was needed.

Her twin Morpheus on the other hand is a descent mix of both parents, and is now a Snob. I’ve planned in advance the lifetime wishes these spares are going to do, which will hopefully easy to complete.

Since Crosby clearly wasn’t going anywhere, I decided to add him to the family. He’s 4 days away from being an elder, and his traits are Loyal, Proud and Non-Destructive.

I had to bring out the pet supplies, but Crosby is a cute little dog.

Pan: “Wait a minute. This isn’t my grandchild.”

Pan: “This one is my grandchild.”

Pan: “Wait a minute… How come I’m stuck on babysitting duty? Don’t these kids have parents to take care of them.”
Well, you weren’t doing anything…

This is just cause Crosby’s cute. He’s got some interesting markings and colouring.

A new toddler means toddler training, Enyo is tackling walking.

And Elliot has talking covered.

It looks like Alectrona will have some competition for heirship soon.

How was your first day of public school?
Morpheus: “These plebs wouldn’t know class if it slapped them in the face.”
Antheia: “I’m so over homework.”

At least being vampires you finish homework quickly… There’s a perfectly good table for you to do your homework on Morpheus.
Morpheus: “Pink clashes with my mood today.”

Enyo: “Hi doggie.”
Crosby: “Human. I appreciate your kindness in taking me in. I will forever be in your debt and guard this house till the day I die.”

Would you look at that? Crosby is even house trained.
Crosby: “Some privacy, please.”

Ghost Lady: “Oooooo. Do I get a rid next?”
Elliot: “I’ve never had a ghost that wanted to get into this thing before… What do I do?”

Why is everyone congregating in the nursery?
Morpheus: “There is something about baby cries which summons us.”

Ghost: “Would you look at that, it’s some stupid legacy people.”

Ghost: “You wouldn’t know taste if it crawled up your backside.”
Elliot: “I’m going to enjoy this.”

Elliot: “Goodbye sucker!”
Ghost: “Wait. Just one last insult!!”

Wait a minute… Is Vernon no longer stinky?

Nevermind. He still smells like a septic tank.

Brizo: “What should I steal today? How about more cars for my fleet!”

Brizo is just demonstrating that the ability to be a mascot is still in the family. The mascot dance she’s doing is hilarious, the pictures don’t do it justice.

Fatima got an opportunity to get a raise if she earned a skill point in martial arts, though she could’ve worn more appropriate clothes.
Fatima: “If I’m going to do this, I’m going to look good doing it.”

Iris is still fishing. She’s making good progress on the skill.

Enyo is teaching Alectrona her last skill, potty training.

Just in time too, Hebe is becoming a toddler.

Really guys? In the middle of a birthday?

Here’s a better look at Hebe, she’s a cute little alien.
Hebe: “Why must they do this in my presence?”

Alectrona: “What do you mean I’m not the only cute toddler anymore?”

Alectrona: “I’m cuter than she is, right?”

It’s an expensive car! Hurry Brizo, nab it! This car managed to boost her tally by $10 000, yes!!

Brizo: “Stuck on baby sitting duty again.”
You’re the only one up.
Brizo: “It still sucks.”

Looks like someone found the drum while everyone else was still sleeping.

Enyo’s looking ready to burst, so we should be seeing the next kid this chapter.

Elliot’s handling teaching his little alien princess to walk.
Hebe: “Must I learn this? Can’t everyone carry me around forever?”

Pan’s just hit 89 days old, so he’s likely to die any day now.

Antheia’s learning charisma since it’ll be helpful for her planned lifetime wish, but she needs to make more friends to progress further. She’s starting with her niece Enyo. It must be weird having an aunt whose younger than you are…

Antheia: “This is not how I imagined my day going…”
Brizo: “The baby’s coming! I don’t know anything about this, what should I do?!”
Enyo later went to an empty room for some privacy.

Alectrona: “Wait. I’m going to have competition to be heir?”

Indeed she is. We have another little girl! Meet Peitho, she Loves the Heat, and is Perspective. Her favourite colour is Irish green, and she inherited her dad’s skin tone. In Greek mythology Peitho is the goddess of persuasion and seduction.

What’s this? Vernon actually took a shower!! What is this madness? Have we wandered into the twilight zone???

So far this generation is a legion of girls. For some reason this file seems to be producing nothing but girls lately… Also free will for everyone who isn’t a toddler or animal seems broken, if I don’t tell them to do anything they’ll just stand around doing nothing. I’m waiting for Brizo to complete her lifetime wish before I try resetting the town, she’s so close. One or two more nights of stealing should do it.

Crosby remains cute. He’s such a well behaved dog and takes care of his own needs by himself without me having to direct him.

Of course Poseidon is the one who leaves the graveyard this time. He doesn’t seem to like following the rules.
Poseidon: “Rules are for people who don’t know any better.”

The youngest twins are not back from bordering school. Eurus gained the trait Charismatic while he was away. He’s got Iris’ lips, but Fatima’s nose, so he’s not a clone.

Pasithea also gained the trait Charismatic. She also has Iris’ lips and Fatima’s nose, making Antheia the only face clone of the bunch!

Since Enyo wanted to befriend her step-daughter, I thought teaching her to talk was the perfect way.

Alectrona was annoying both of them by playing the drum.
Alectrona: “I’m being ignored.”

Alectrona: “Someone pay attention to me!!!!”

Iris is getting pretty close to maxing the fishing skill. Good thing too, the family is getting low on leftovers.

Enyo: “Woo! Last skill to go.”

Hebe: “I’m leaving a stinky one just for you mother.”

Iris has now mastered the fishing skill and completed her task of mastering all the available skills she can! I’ll make a list in a new post, and if I missed one, someone can let me know.

That’s all for now folks! Next time the teens get to attend prom, and Brizo will complete her lifetime wish, she only has $2 000 to go.

Update #3
Wordcount: 2112
Picture Count: 112

Total Wordcount: 5590
Total Picture Count: 297

3 thoughts on “8.3 Sympathy Weight


    Meanwhile Brizo building her own car dealership over there

    The children are REALLY CUTE
    there’s some good genetics in here alright


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